Improving Home Comfort and Energy Efficiency with HeatBusters 

This Austin resident faced challenges related to high energy consumption and discomfort due to extreme temperatures this summer. 

They wanted a solution to reduce energy bills and enhance their home’s comfort. We chalked up a plan to maximize a solution in their budget. 

38% immediate drop in energy consumption

Immediate Drop in
Energy Consumption

Here’s the Issue

Our customer’s primary concerns were: 

Reducing high energy consumption.

Enhancing home comfort by minimizing temperature fluctuations.

Exploring cost-effective insulation and ventilation solutions.

Receiving responsive customer service and efficient project management.

How Did We Solve This?

Blown-in Insulation

HeatBusters recommended the installation of blown-in insulation to improve the home’s energy efficiency. This type of insulation effectively reduces heat transfer and maintains a comfortable indoor temperature. 

Radiant Barrier Installation

We explained the benefits of radiant barrier insulation, emphasizing its ability to reflect heat and block out a huge portion of radiant heat. This was crucial in preventing excessive heat gain during the hot Texas summers. 

Solar Fan Installation

To further improve attic ventilation and reduce the strain on the air conditioning unit, HeatBusters recommended the installation of solar-powered attic fans. These fans actively pulled cool air from soffit vents and pushed hot air out, effectively regulating attic temperature. 

The Results? Immediate Relief

Upon project completion, our customer experienced remarkable results: 

  • Immediate Energy Savings: This Austin resident observed a significant 38% reduction in energy consumption as soon as the project was completed, leading to lower energy bills. 
  • Enhanced Home Comfort: The improved insulation and radiant barrier contributed to more consistent indoor temperatures, reducing the need for excessive air conditioning during hot summers. 
  • Efficient Project Management: HeatBusters’ team was responsive and utilized a CRM system for estimates, invoices, and payments, ensuring a seamless customer experience. 

Lower Your Energy Consumption Today

The HeatBusters knows exactly what your Central Texas home needs for insulation. Get a free estimate today to establish a baseline of understanding of your home’s insulation and energy efficiency. We don’t want you to pay more than you must for your energy bills.